Learn how to use UnisignIn universal data platform to grow your audience and traffic alongside better user experiences and lift by building and activating your first party data. Single Sign-On and connect all the Audience data.
All the modern features you may want as a digital publishing website in one platform.
Turn visitors to be members with the first-party identity and establish a closer relationship with your audience.
Integrate with your existing identity management system, or use the built-in password-less SSO, to seamlessly manage access and paid channels.
@Mentions, #Hashtags, Follow, chat feature around topics channels and pages.
Facebook Style Embeddable Comments Widgets and fitting into your pages.
Start to collect first-party data from users wisely and obtain explicit consent from consumers before collecting and using their data.
Connect the dots from Desktop, Mobile apps, Web push Notifications, Chat, Email, SMS and Social, Out-of-Home, In-Store etc.
Trigger one-to-one campaigns, provide one-to-one recommendations based on user behaviours and first-party data.