Empower publishers with Digital subscription strategies and more


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Empower publishers with Digital subscription strategies and more

Because of ad revenue falling year after year and usage of ad blockers on the rise, more and more publishers are employing a host of reader revenue strategies: membership, subscriptions, paywalls, asking their readers and viewers directly to support their business.

UniSignIn is a product developed by Transfon helping news publishers adopt Digital subscription strategies and tap into subscription business and improve the overall business.

Users acquisition strategy

Building the first-party relationship is the priority for any digital product. With UniSignIn, news publishers can easily acquire the email address and establish a first-party relationship with the audience. In this way, publishers can understand what the audience is looking for, what they like, what they want, delivering new metrics to its newsroom to improve the overall content strategy.

Premium Content strategy

Essentially, premium content refers to content that is longer, more in-depth, and likely more difficult to digest than your regular content.

Premium content utilises a strict paywall, with a mixture of free and paid content. Only the signed-up users or subscribers can read premium articles or content.

A successful premium content strategy needs the newsroom to utilise the metrics provided by PubPerf to analyse which stories/content have a higher percentage rate for viewers who read it and then subscribe, closing that customer acquisition gap.

User engagement, conversions and retention

UniSignIn’s membership system is a strategy for growing email lists for news publishers, then adopting a high-quality email strategy including daily newsletters, breaking news alerts, personalised newsletters and offers based on the user and first party data collected with consent.

Based on the signals collected from the signed-up users with PubPerf and contextual signals generated from content with advanced NLP technology of PubSurge, Publishers can provide a high-quality, data-driven content recommendation to users accessing your digital products.

The engagement channels are including in-site recommendations and push notifications.

Publishers can measure engagement goals and KPI with PubPerf. Aligning the newsroom and editorial team to define success.

Commerical Offers and direct-sold campaigns

Once a publisher has the user interest data, user engagement data, contextual data, they can provide the other commercial offers depending on the content type. UniSignIn also allows publishers to sell direct campaigns for brands based on first-party data.

Ad blocking recovery strategy

Based on the test result from several publishers installed UniSignIn, we can see the users are willing to give their email or whitelist the adblocker to the sites they trust. UniSignIn helps websites recover the loss of ad revenue through users who choose to install an ad blocker, with UniSignIn you can gain back their trust and manage their consent.

Transfon is building a group of addon systems to modernise the tech infrastructure for digital publishers and marketers.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

UniSignIn is all-in-one first-party data platform to collect and manage the first-party data of your digital assets.